Monday, March 14, 2011


Here is a schematic of the flight computer done in Fritzing.

I am just learning Fritzing, so it is a little crude. The batteries are actually AAA, and in one pack, but there were standard AA pack graphics available in Frizting. Also, I used a mini bread board, but Fritzing had a standard bread board available. But even a beginner like me was able to do a serviceable schematic fairly quickly, including making my own SparkFun 09694 BMP085 breakout board graphic in Inkscape.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I was looking for any systems with an arduino and an altimeter for my waterrocket and i came to this blog, This is axactly what i want to make for my rocket, but I cant find any arduino codes or downloads on your blog. Could you send me the code for this fritzing drawing, or do you want to keep the code private? I hope you can help me a bit. ;)
